Bad media habits
More and more Swedish parents think their kids spend too much time on different media. The parents are especially unhappy when it comes to their daughters’ habits.

”Maybe there’s still an old image of girls being good,” says Ulf Dalquist, who is accountable for research at Statens medieråd (The Swedish Media Council), which let 2,000 parents answer the survey Parents and media. Dalquist believes the results were expected, and not much of a surprise. ”But that the parents in many ways are proportionally more dissatisfied with what their daughters are doing is surprising. It is interesting from a gender perspective,” he says. In three years parents’ dissatisfactions with the use of cell phones for kids between 13 and 16 have almost doubled. Boys and girls use Internet just as much, however girls are more likely to use their cell phones, whereas boys are more apt to play computer games. The media form that most parents object to, is computer games.